{ "currentVersion": 11.2, "serviceDescription": "

The Chesapeake Bay Digital Elevation Model (DEM) shows the Bathymetry of the bay and it's tributaries. The dataset was derived from 297 hydrographic surveys from 1859 to 1993. Resolution is 30m, and depth is show in meters at mean low water.<\/SPAN><\/P>

Source Data:<\/SPAN><\/P>

NOAA, National Ocean Service, <\/SPAN>http://estuarinebathymetry.noaa.gov/bathy_htmls/M130.html<\/SPAN><\/SPAN><\/A>, 1994 (downloaded 10/7/2015)<\/SPAN><\/P>

Processing Steps/Dates:<\/SPAN><\/P>

Data from 3 rasters was combined into one using the Mosaic to New Raster tool. Dataset was reprojected to WGS84 UTM Zone 18N. <\/SPAN><\/P>

Processing Date: 10/6/2015<\/SPAN><\/P>

Contact Information:<\/SPAN><\/P>

Chesapeake Bay Foundation<\/SPAN><\/P>

kleaverton@cbf.org<\/SPAN><\/P><\/DIV><\/DIV><\/DIV>", "name": "Bay_Bathymetry", "description": "

The Chesapeake Bay Digital Elevation Model (DEM) shows the Bathymetry of the bay and it's tributaries. The dataset was derived from 297 hydrographic surveys from 1859 to 1993. Resolution is 30m, and depth is show in meters at mean low water.<\/SPAN><\/P>

Source Data:<\/SPAN><\/P>

NOAA, National Ocean Service, <\/SPAN>http://estuarinebathymetry.noaa.gov/bathy_htmls/M130.html<\/SPAN><\/SPAN><\/A>, 1994 (downloaded 10/7/2015)<\/SPAN><\/P>

Processing Steps/Dates:<\/SPAN><\/P>

Data from 3 rasters was combined into one using the Mosaic to New Raster tool. Dataset was reprojected to WGS84 UTM Zone 18N. <\/SPAN><\/P>

Processing Date: 10/6/2015<\/SPAN><\/P>

Contact Information:<\/SPAN><\/P>

Chesapeake Bay Foundation<\/SPAN><\/P>

kleaverton@cbf.org<\/SPAN><\/P><\/DIV><\/DIV><\/DIV>", "extent": { "xmin": 288080.2784695697, "ymin": 4071967.6484586196, "xmax": 446476.3703096336, "ymax": 4385624.459452333, "spatialReference": { "wkid": 32618, "latestWkid": 32618 } }, "initialExtent": { "xmin": 288080.2784695697, "ymin": 4071967.6484586196, "xmax": 446476.3703096336, "ymax": 4385624.459452333, "spatialReference": { "wkid": 32618, "latestWkid": 32618 } }, "fullExtent": { "xmin": 288080.2784695697, "ymin": 4071967.6484586196, "xmax": 446476.3703096336, "ymax": 4385624.459452333, "spatialReference": { "wkid": 32618, "latestWkid": 32618 } }, "sortableFields": "", "bandCount": 1, "pixelType": "F32", "minValues": [ -52.93299865722656 ], "maxValues": [ 1.5770000219345093 ], "meanValues": [ -6.670294846475646 ], "stdvValues": [ 5.619851504150266 ], "hasMultidimensions": false, "pixelSizeX": 29.999259818193924, "pixelSizeY": 30.000651458030926, "meanPixelSize": 29.999955638112425, "datasetFormat": "FGDBR", "uncompressedSize": 220809600, "blockWidth": 128, "blockHeight": 128, "compressionType": "LZ77", "bandNames": [ "Band_1" ], "allowCopy": true, "allowAnalysis": true, "itemAccess": false, "inspectionCapabilities": "", "minPixelSize": 0, "maxPixelSize": 0, "copyrightText": "NOAA (1994), Chesapeake Bay Foundation (2015)", "serviceDataType": "esriImageServiceDataTypeGeneric", "serviceSourceType": "esriImageServiceSourceTypeDataset", "objectIdField": "", "fields": [], "capabilities": "Image,Metadata,Mensuration", "defaultMosaicMethod": "Center", "allowedMosaicMethods": "", "sortField": "", "sortValue": null, "sortAscending": true, "mosaicOperator": "First", "defaultCompressionQuality": 75, "defaultResamplingMethod": "Bilinear", "maxImageHeight": 4100, "maxImageWidth": 15000, "allowRasterFunction": true, "rasterFunctionInfos": [ { "name": "None", "description": "", "help": "" } ], "rasterTypeInfos": [ { "name": "Raster Dataset", "description": "Supports all ArcGIS Raster Datasets", "help": "" } ], "mensurationCapabilities": "Basic", "hasHistograms": true, "hasColormap": false, "hasRasterAttributeTable": false, "minScale": 0, "maxScale": 0, "exportTilesAllowed": false, "supportsStatistics": false, "supportsAdvancedQueries": false, "editFieldsInfo": null, "ownershipBasedAccessControlForRasters": null, "allowComputeTiePoints": false, "useStandardizedQueries": true, "advancedQueryCapabilities": { "useStandardizedQueries": true, "supportsStatistics": false, "supportsOrderBy": false, "supportsDistinct": false, "supportsPagination": false }, "spatialReference": { "wkid": 32618, "latestWkid": 32618 } }