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snippet: Extent of the Chesapeake Bay Airshed; this is the area in which a pollutant, specifically nitrogen, can travel from and potentially impact the Bay.
summary: Extent of the Chesapeake Bay Airshed; this is the area in which a pollutant, specifically nitrogen, can travel from and potentially impact the Bay.
extent: [[-88.4213024648057,34.5486022643776],[-73.0799029757753,45.4391655570048]]
accessInformation: EPA; published by Chesapeake Bay Foundation (2022)
thumbnail: thumbnail/thumbnail.png
typeKeywords: ["Data","Service","Map Service","ArcGIS Server"]
description: The Chesapeake Bay's airshed, or the area in which a pollutant can travel from and potentially impact the Bay, for nitrogen pollution is approximately 570,000 square miles; atmospheric nitrogen oxide (NOx) can travel a few yards to a few thousand miles before leaving the atmosphere in rain, snow, and other forms and then running off into the Bay's rivers and coastal waters. Since airsheds can be affected by atmospheric conditions the airshed boundary should not be considered a hard line that air pollution will not cross, but a guide when considering the possible affects of air pollution on the Chesapeake Bay nitrogen load.
licenseInfo: The Chesapeake Bay Foundation (CBF) does not guarantee accuracy and is not responsible for the misuse of this data.
title: Chesapeake Bay Airshed Boundary
type: Map Service
tags: ["Chesapeake Bay","Airshed","nitrogen","NOx"]
culture: en-US
name: Chesapeake_Bay_Airshed
guid: 7D54A5E5-E403-465E-A8F5-B7C90F3090F9
spatialReference: WGS_1984_UTM_Zone_18N