This dataset was developed to support flow path modeling and identification of opportunities for riparian forest buffer using high-resolution land cover data; it was reclassed to dislay all cells with a flow accumulation greater then 500. |
This dataset was developed to support flow path modeling and identification of opportunities for riparian forest buffer using high-resolution land cover data; it was reclassed to dislay all cells with a flow accumulation greater then 500. |
Chesapeake Conservancy, Conservation Innovation Center, Chesapeake Bay Program; downloaded, reclassifed, and published by M. Finch (CBF, 2021). |
thumbnail/thumbnail.png |
["Data","Service","Image Service","ArcGIS Server"] |
An intermediate raster in the CIC's enhanced flow path workflow, flow accumulation represents the cumulative sum of all cells flowing into each downslope cell in the output raster. The flow accumulation layer allows the user to set custom contributing area thresholds; thus, it can provide greater detail or a denser flow network (capturing ephemeral streams or flow paths) than the enhanced flow path dataset, which uses a contributing area threshold of 60 acres. The original flow accumulation raster was reclassified to show all cells with flow accumulation greater then 500. |
The organizations responsible for generating and funding this dataset make no representations of any kind including, but not limited to the warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular use, nor are any such warranties to be implied with respect to the data. Although every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of information, errors may be reflected in data supplied. The user must be aware of data conditions and bear responsibility for the appropriate use of the information with respect to possible errors, original map scale, collection methodology, currency of data, and other condition. Secondary distribution must be accompanied by this documentation. Credit should always be given to the data source when this data is transferred, altered, or used for analysis.Results should be ground-truthed using local knowledge through stakeholder and landowner participation, as the data is not intended to provide site-specific engineering/project design. |
Flow Accumliation - HUC 0205030611 |
Image Service |
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["Flow Path","Flow Accumulation","Chesapeake Conservancy","Chesapeake Bay","Pennsylvania"] |
en-US |
cic_fac_huc0205030611 |
NAD_1983_Albers |