Name: Virginia Poultry Permits (Feb 2017)
Display Field: City___County
Type: Feature Layer
Geometry Type: esriGeometryPoint
Description: Poultry Permits in Virginia (part of the Chesapeake Bay watershed), extracted from the Virginia Department of Environmental Quality’s (DEQ) Animal Feeding Operations Program. Poultry operations that confine more than 20,000 chickens or 11,000 turkeys must register for the VPA General Permit for Poultry Waste Management, regulated under the Virginia Pollution Abatement (VPA) Permit Regulation (9VAC25-32). The permits have a ten year term, with the last general permit having occurred in 2010. Regardless of when a facility is covered, the effective and expiration dates will be the same for all coverages under the general permit for poultry waste management.Field Names and DefinitionsField NameField AliasDefinitionCity___CountyCity/CountyName of city or county where poultry facility is located.Permit_NumberPermit NumberDesignated VPA General Permit number for Poultry Waste Management for the facility. Permit_TypePermit TypeType of permit: VPA General Permit Regulation for Poultry Waste Management FacilityFacilityName of the farm. Name of owner if applicable. ClassificationClassificationStates whether facility permit is active or history.Admin_RegionAdmin Region NameName of the administrative region responsible for oversight of the permits.RegionRegionName of the Virginia region where facility is located. OwnerOwner NameName of the poultry grower whom the permit will be issued.AddressMailing Address 1The location of the poultry feeding operation. Address2Mailing Address 2The mailing address of the poultry grower.CityCityThe name of the city where facility is located.StatStateThe name of the state where facility is located.ZIPZipThe area zip code of the facilities’locations. LatitudeLatitude The exact measure of the angular distance on a meridian north or south of the equator of the facility. LongitudeLongitudeThe exact measure of the angular distance on a meridian east or west of the prime meridian of the facility. Animal_TypeAnimal TypeType of poultry (layers, broilers, pullets, turkeys, etc.) grown at facility.Max_AnimalsMaximum # of animals at one timeThe maximum numbers of each type of poultry that the operation will have at one time.Permit_ActionPermit ActionThe type of permit action(Issuance, Permit Change-Facility/Ops, Permit Change-Ownership, Permit Denied, Reissuance, Termination, Withdrawal) implemented by the Animal Feeding Operations Program at the Virginia Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ).DateAppReceivedDate: Application ReceivedThe date the application was received by the Animal Feeding Operations Program at the Virginia Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ).DatePermitSignedDate: Permit SignedThe date the permit was signed by the Animal Feeding Operations Program at the Virginia Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ). YearAppRecievedYear application ReceivedThe year the application was received by the Animal Feeding Operations Program at the Virginia Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ).YearPermitSignedYEAR permit signedThe year the permit was signed by the Animal Feeding Operations Program at the Virginia Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ).Data SourceVPA Poultry Permits, February 2017, DEQ-excel spreadsheet file and database. Contact: Betsy K. Bowles, Animal Feeding Operations Program Coordinator at the Virginia Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ). Processing Steps/DatesPoultry Permits were extracted from an excel file. The permits were plotted by latitude and longitude of the facilities. The data was defined by the, GCS_WGS_1984, geographic coordinate system. Processing Date: 02/2017
Copyright Text: CBF (2017); VA DEQ (2017)
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XMin: -82.09111110999999
YMin: 36.553000000000054
XMax: -75.46999999999997
YMax: 39.06845000000004
Spatial Reference: 4326
Drawing Info:
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Description: N/A
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Label: Permit Change - Facility/Ops
Description: N/A
Value: Permit Change - Ownership
Label: Permit Change - Ownership
Description: N/A
Value: Permit Denied
Label: Permit Denied
Description: N/A
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Description: N/A
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Label: Withdrawal
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type: esriFieldTypeInteger, alias: Max # of animals at one time
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